
Gary Hanson - Minister -
Dian Sapsford - Leadership -
Rachel Millett - Secretary -
Ann Voortman - Leadership -
Gavin Urquhart - Leadership -


Office Manager

Our Organisation

Since the earliest days, the Church has always been independent and self-governing. That means we are not controlled by any denomination or group although we do have links with other churches and groups that share our values.

We are responsible for all of our own decisions, buildings, appointments and finances and are governed by a Constitution and Rules.

The Church has a Leadership appointed by the Members of the Church. Apart from the Minister all of the other leaders are appointed for a three year term of office which can be renewed.

The leadership team are responsible for all of the spiritual and practical life of the Church. All decisions are taken by the Church Members who meet regularly to seek the will of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and under the Lordship of Christ. They have the final decision on all policies and important decisions that affect the life and witness of the Church.

Membership is open to those who regularly worship with and who profess faith in Jesus Christ alone as their personal Saviour and who show evidence of this in their life and conduct.